Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rebekah & William - Engagement Shot for the paper!

Rebekah and William are getting married this summer and we are doing their full engagement session Harley and all in April but they needed a shot for the paper! So here they are! Thanks guys for stopping by this afternoon! It was great to see you! I hope that you like one of these for the paper! :) We are looking forward to your full shoot in April! Hopfully the sun won't be blinding you then! :)

The sun was so bright in their eyes in the picture above and Rebekah had closed her eyes to rest them and I think she looks so happy & beautiful!

I had to include these two shots just so you could see the blue sky. This was not enhanced in photo shop at all!

The beautiful Rebekah!


Emma said...

Wow! How amazing!

Anonymous said...

You guys really have a fabulous eye for composition, I love the moments you have captured they are so full of emotion and joy. That's obviously a very natural talent you have there! :o)